what I remember:
God sends Moses and the Israelites out on Moses' last battle - to punish the Midianites (for not letting the Israelites pass through their land?). They do so, killing off all sorts of people, including Balaam, the prophet that Balak had hired to curse Isreal, but who had blessed Isreal (and who had the talking donkey). They brought the women and kids back to Israel captive, but ended up also killing the women and boys and left only young girls. The loot was divided equally between those who went to battle and those who didn't (note: the battle group was smaller, so they each got more), and a portion of each was God's.
key verse:
"Take full vengeance for the sons of Israel on the Midianites; afterward you will be gathered to your people."
about God:
Important to remember that God is just. When he orders revenge, it's the right thing. I don't understand it.
An offense against God's chosen people (Israel) is one that God takes incredibly seriously.
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